Editor & Marketing Manager
Jennifer Teresa Banze is a final year student studying Philosophy at Eduardo Mondlane University. She is a social activist for the Mozambique Activist Movement, Students for Liberty and the Association for the fight and prevention of breast cancer - Outubro Rosa MZ. She is an incessant defender of human rights and a more gender-equitable society. She is also interested in the development of youth activities that promote good practices and formal education for all. One of her strengths is activism aimed at greater appreciation and understanding of philosophical science, which she believes can be seen as a mechanism for better understanding the world and generating critical-analytical thinking about everyday life. Jennifer Banze is vice-president of the Students' Group of the Faculty of Philosophy at Eduardo Mondlane University in Maputo. In the same vein, engaged by her continuous reading habit, in January 2023 she joined Ethale Publishing where she works as Editor and Marketing Manager, which has contributed significantly to a better understanding of interpersonal relationships and the market.
She is passionate about reading, in which she finds a balm to heal wounds and believes that reading makes us more aware and autonomous people. She dreams of bringing reading to all Mozambican children and women, because she believes that reading is one of the richest and most democratic sources of acquiring knowledge.